
High Level Test - Βι¶ΉΣ³»­

Student Life

Student life is all the things that happen outside of academics. Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ is focused on supporting the clubs, organizations and events that create rich college memories that go beyond the classroom.


Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ offers opportunities for student-athletes in 14 sports, including baseball, basketball, bowling, cross country, Esports, golf, soccer, softball and volleyball.

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Student Activities

Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ encourages students to get involved outside the classroom by participating in events, intramurals, clubs, organizations and more. Have fun. Meet new people. Network and graduate with valuable life skills.

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Arts & Culture

Students can visit the Art Gallery, participate in poetry readings, learn about diverse cultures, or attend informative lectures. With a multitude of events and choices β€” Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ has something for all.

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